Volunteer@Mansfield (V@M) is an overarching service initiative to ensure that students who contribute in positive ways to our School and the larger community are acknowledged for their efforts.
A points scheme is in place and many V@M opportunities with school administration, science labs, Chappy, canteens, or the uniform shop are advertised on daily notices. Once students have completed 2,000 minutes of service (recorded on a V@M card), they are eligible for a V@M badge. Minutes recorded count towards the School's service awards and accrue over the student's years at school. Service achievement awards are presented at the end of Evening of Excellence of at the year level award ceremonies (Years 7-10).
V@M points may also be earnt working on projects (not attending meetings) with the Rauchle Service Club, Amnesty Club, Reader to Reader Program, Mansfield State School events, RaRE Book Club, New Life, GSE and the Environmental Club.
For more information or to collect a V@M card students can see Mrs Bridon in the S Block staffroom or can send an email.