Every day counts - students who attend school all day, every day learn better and achieve more positive outcomes. Regular attendance and punctuality is necessary for students to achieve the best results possible.
If an absence is unavoidable it must be explained.
Full day absence
Parents are required to report each full day absence, including the student name, year level, date of absence and reason by one of the following options:
- sending a text to 0429 360 340 for each individual student
- send an email to absences
- respond to the daily text message sent by the school indicating that your student is not at school
- phone and leave a voicemail 3452 5366
- send a written note explaining the absence.
Late arrivals
Students who arrive during roll class should go to their usual classroom where they will be marked on the roll by their teacher. Students arriving after roll marking finishes (8.45am) must go to Student Services on the lower level of the Administration building.
- Students will swipe in with their ID card and must hand in a note explaining why they are late
- They will be given a printed pass to hand to their class teacher to confirm that they are now signed in at school
Early Departures
Students who need to leave during the day must organise this before school
- Bring a note from their parent requesting permission to leave school at a specific time
- Student hands the note to Student Services before 8.30am
- The student will be given a printed pass to hand to their class teacher when they need to leave class at the requested time
- Before leaving the school grounds, the student must return to Student Services and swipe out
Written notes
While texts, emails and phone calls are accepted as an explanation for absences, a written note is preferred for late arrivals and early departures. The note is handed to Student Services when the student swipes in or out. Emails, texts and phone messages for the day may not have been processed at the time the student is arriving or leaving.
There are printed notes at the end of the student handbook. These can be cut out and filled in by the parent. The student can then bring this note to Student Services, making the sign in and out process much faster.

Extended absences
Mansfield State High School recognises that parents/carers make decisions to withdraw students from school for family or personal reasons. The school recommends that this not occur during the school term. Parents/carers must consider the Mansfield State High School Assessment Policy prior to making this decision. If students are in the senior phase of learning, parents/carers must refer to QCAA – QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook V4.0 for additional information. Students who are in the senior phase of learning may put their QCE or ATAR at risk due to non-completion of assessment. Students should also refer to the Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (AARA) policy if absence is due to illness or misadventure.
Absences of 10 school days or longer must be notified to the school by completing the
Notification-of_extended_absence_from_school.pdf. The completed form must be returned to the year level deputy principal.
Withdrawal from compulsory schooling
Parents who wish to withdraw their child from compulsory formal schooling must complete the Application for exemption for a child or young person enrolled in a state school. Further information about the conditions of withdrawal are included on the form.