If you have a general concern regarding your student, please contact the Head of Year. If the concern is related to a subject, please contact the subject teacher in the first instance, and if not resolved, follow up with the relevant Head of Department (HOD).
Office hours
Monday to Friday 8.00am until 4.00pm
Closed on public holidays
Street address
Corner Broadwater and Ham Roads,
Mansfield Qld 4122
Postal address
PO Box 229
Mt Gravatt Qld 4122
Telephone: (07) 3452 5333
Student absences: (07) 3452 5366, text 0429 360 340 or absences@mansfieldshs.eq.edu.au
Enquiries about employment opportunities can be directed to recruitment@mansfieldshs.eq.edu.au
Enrolment enquiries: (07) 3452 5367 or
Accounts enquiries: accounts@mansfieldshs.eq.edu.au
Uniform shop: (07) 3452 5357
Guidance officers
Penny Budge
Graham Hockless
Pranesh Nair
Tracey Sidoti
Tasha Stone
VET co-ordinator and work experience
Deepika Bhardwaj: (07) 3452 5365
National Relay Service
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the
National Relay Service (NRS). This is an Australia-wide phone and internet service.