If you have a general concern regarding your student, please contact the Head of Year. If the concern is related to a subject, please contact the subject teacher in the first instance, and if not resolved, follow up with the relevant Head of Department (HOD).
Office hours
Monday to Friday 8 am – 4 pm
Street address
Corner Broadwater and Ham Roads,
Mansfield Qld 4122
Postal address
PO Box 229,
Mt Gravatt Qld 4122
Telephone: (07) 3452 5333
Student absences: (07) 3452 5366, text 0429 360 340 or absences@mansfieldshs.eq.edu.au.
Enrolment enquiries: (07) 3452 5367 or
Accounts enquiries: (07) 3452 5368
Uniform shop: (07) 3452 5357
Guidance officers
Penny Budge: (07) 3452 5333
Jo Lawton: (07) 3452 5333
Kamal Mistry: (07) 3452 5333
Graham Hockless: (07) 3452 5333
Elmarie Chambers: (07) 3452 5333
VET co-ordinator and work experience
Deepika Bhardwaj: (07) 3452 5365
National Relay Service
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the
National Relay Service (NRS). This is an Australia-wide phone and internet service.