Mansfield State High School is involved in the Queensland Debating Union (QDU) Schools’ Competition and enters teams at all levels from Years 7 to 12. There is a limit to the number of teams that may be registered for competition, so students wanting to join need to register their interest as early as possible at the commencement of Term 1. Expression of interest from interested students is collected through Microsoft forms.
Once registered, each team is assigned a coach and training is once a week either before or after school, or at lunch time. From time to time guest speakers and coaches are also invited to work with teams and coaches throughout the year. Many talented and generous staff, and past student debaters, undertake coaching as a voluntary contribution to the life of the school.
What is it?
Debating is an activity that requires teamwork, an ability to think analytically and develop effective verbal presentation skills. Debating develops skills such as communication and leadership through participation in a variety of competitions. The development of skills in analysis and practice in expressing ideas clearly, logically and persuasively, equips students for their professional and personal lives beyond school and as such it is an activity that readily complements the School’s academic program.
What is its purpose?
The main purposes of the Debating program at Mansfield are:
- To promote collaboration
- To develop research skills
- To assist in the development of argument
- To develop understanding of a basic principle of democracy - that opposing arguments should be presented in order to develop understanding of an issue
- To develop contextual understanding by exploring a variety of views.
The following can be assessed through debating:
- Social skills in working with others
- Contextual understanding
- Speaking and listening
- Research skills.