Mansfield Activities Program (MAP) is offered to all students. An extensive range of sports and non-sporting activities are offered across two afternoons. Junior students participate on Tuesdays and seniors on Wednesdays during period four.
Parents of Year 7 students have been sent an email with information about MAP and how to make a selection for their student. Selections open at 6pm on Thursday 2 February. Prior to this, you will see an error message if you try and open the online form.
Prior to making a selection, please spend time planning with your child to determine which activity they wish to select. The
Year 7 MAP Block 1.pdf lists the activities available.
Please check your junk mail and spam if you can not find the email. All online permission emails are sent with the title MSHS and then name of the form. You can search for MSHS in your inbox to quickly find it.
The online form also includes the interschool sport permission. Please select this option if your child has been selected in a team - you do not need to select a MAP activity.