Learn about career paths and opportunities in STEM from women who have forged interesting and varied pathways in these historically male dominated fields. Join our panel discussion moderated by Karen Cohen as our four panellists share why they choose their field of expertise and share their industry experiences.
All interested students and their parents can join us from 3.00pm outside the Assembly Hall for afternoon tea, followed by:
- Networking & discussion
- Moderated discussion panel
- University information stalls.
Our panel of experts include:
- Kristy Short, Associate Professor, UQ School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
- Maryam Kahn, Data Analysist, UQ Alumni, past President UQ Ladies in Technology, Mansfield State High School Alumni
- Lauren Manson, CSIRO, Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group Data 61
- Kate Helmstedt, Associate Professor, QUT School of Mathematical Sciences
- with our Moderator, Karen Cohen, Founder and Programme Manager AlgoHUB, Women in Blockchain Australia organiser, Founder Women in Emerging Tech.
To assist with planning for this free event, please reserve your seat online at Try Booking.