Students have the opportunity to participate in a range of sports and activities as part of the curriculum and as an extracurricular activity. The school sporting facilities include a purpose built indoor sports centre, outdoor courts and a full-sized athletics oval. School representative opportunities are available at district, regional, state and national levels, gala days and external tournaments.

Health and physical education is included in the junior school curriculum for all students in Years 7-9. Students in Year 10-12 may elect to study health, sport and recreation and physical education as part of the senior school curriculum. A Certificate III in fitness can be studied in Year 11-12.
In 2025 some of the specific opportunities available to students include:
- Swimming Carnival on Friday 7 February
- Athletics Carnival on Friday 27 June
- Cross Country on Wednesday 23 April
- Representative School Sport with players selected via highly competitive trials to play for the Mt Gravatt District (students born in 2013) or the South District (students born 2007-2012) in a variety of sports
- Gala Days for players of all skill levels in basketball, volleyball, football, cricket, netball and touch (self nomination, no trials)
- Mansfield Sports Group (MSG) with players selected through trials to play basketball, football/futsal, netball, touch football, volleyball, cricket and AFL
- House Cup, a mix of sporting, cultural and fun events held at school for students to earn points for their House.
- Russell Miller Cup, an annual staff versus Year 12 students' competition.
School carnivals
All students are allocated to a sporting house and can compete at school carnivals for
- Swimming
- Cross country
- Athletics (track and field events).
The school swimming carnival and athletics carnival are whole school events with a range of competitive and non-competitive events for all skill levels. Students require parent permission to attend and will wear their school sports uniform and may accessorise with colours to support their House.
In line with the Department of Education's user pays policy, there is a small cost to attend carnivals which are held offsite. This cost is invoiced to students with permission to attend and covers the bus and venue hire. The cost will be detailed in the parent permission which is issued through QParents.
The cross country carnival is held within school grounds and is for students who have nominated to train and compete in this event only. A parent permission is required, but there is no cost.
Students competing in these carnivals may progress to representing Mansfield at the district level, regional competitions or nationals. Students who qualify will be contacted directly by the sports department.
Key Dates 2025
27 February School Swimming Carnival, Brisbane Aquatic Centre
23 April School Cross Country, onsite
27 June School Athletics Carnival, QSAC
Mansfield sporting group (MSG) offers the extracurricular sports of basketball, football, futsal, netball, touch football and volleyball. Training is held before and after school, with students selected from training squads to compete in competitions and tournaments.
Russell Miller Cup
The teachers versus students' competition known as the Russell Miller Cup is an inhouse sporting competition named after Mr Russell Miller who was Deputy Principal at Mansfield SHS and dedicated to sport from school level competition through to national level. Played in lunchtime, this staff versus Year 12 students competition is fiercely fought in a variety of sports. Information is communicated to students prior to each match, including how many students may participate.